sábado, 5 de enero de 2008

Measures after the Training

Hi this is that shows the measures from week 5 to week 16


Week 5 Week 16

Triceps 12 9
Bicep 8 7
Subscapular 15 12
Suprailiac 29 19
Abdominal 22 14
Legs 11 9
Calf 6 6

Measures in cm.

Week 5 Week 16
Waist 82.5 78
Hip 95 92.5
Arm 35.7 33.5
Leg 56 58.8
Calf 36 35.5

Fat % 12.8 10.9
IMC 24.2 23.4

1 comentario:

Pie dijo...

Thanks for the number update!

You must have really increased the muscle mass in your quads and hamstrings for your leg skinfold to go down, but leg girth to increase!
From the numbers (and picures) it looks like you lost a lot of fat around your abdomen. Nice!