martes, 25 de diciembre de 2007

The end of the 1st journey(16 week)

Hi all these are the pics of the last week, even if I still have a couple days more to do, i guess the difference is not going to be noticeable, thanks everybody for the motivation and your effort. As the rest of us I think we are really champions, and I would like to thank Mauricio for all the support and advice on all this journey.

Also I took these pictures just when I woke up, so you can see my sleepy face lol...

4 comentarios:

Luis Velez Cruz dijo...

Great results.its great to finish the challenge.congratulation.

Pie dijo...

Way to Go!!! You really did great. Looking at your before pictures and your after pictures you really look stronger. You lost a lot of fat too!
And you have a 6-pack! Cool!

I noticed you took some measurements in earlier weeks, do you have recent numbers to compare them to?

P.S. It is nice to see what face the body belongs to. :)

David Obando dijo...

Great results. I'm starting it soon so I'll be posting pics too. Congratulations on your superb results.

Mauricio Segura dijo...


Bro, you have made it. It´s been a long journey, but seeing results like yours makes me believe more and more in that what we have done is worth it.

You are now ready to welcome 2008 with your own six pack!! and a brand new lifestyle.

Congratulations and Keep up the hard work,