martes, 22 de enero de 2008

Week 3 pics

Hi again, this is a new update of the tyler durden training, I think I will be posting updates every 2 weeks again. To tell the truth I have not been following the diet a 100% mainly because my new SON was born last week, so you can imagine all the happiness and family parties around, but I will try my best to get back on track this coming 4th week.

3 comentarios:

Mauricio Segura dijo...
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Mauricio Segura dijo...

Talk about excellent results. Congratulations on your achievements so far. You are definitely building a strong, tight, ripped core. Keep up the hard work and hey congratulations on your new born baby boy!

antonio2030 dijo...

Congratulations dude! great results already, inspirational, and of course, congratulations on your baby! good luck man!