lunes, 29 de octubre de 2007

Week 8

Its been a while after the last update, but I had been struggling with my rutines, no stamina or strenght, so I went to my local gym to take my monthly measures and guess what I lost 1cm of every part of my body, but what i loss was muscle, the porcentage of fat only reduce 0.2%, which is like going 2 days to the gym probably. So my trainer told me that I wasnt following the diet, which is true, and starting today I will stick to the diet 100%, so I bought all my chicken, fish, spinach, brocolli, avocados, etc...

I'm sure I will get better results week by week basis, and I will be posting pic week by week.

Here are the pics of week 8 as you can see there is not much difference with week 5, but that will change :)

1 comentario:

Mauricio Segura dijo...

I am glad you finally came to understand the importance of proper nutrition. The weeks to come will show you the impact of good nutrition on losing body fat, and seeing your abs. Stick to the diet, this program will yield results in asmuch as you do not deviate from the guidelines and recommendations proposed. Cant wait to see results from you from the upcoming weeks.